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We want our children to be active learners and develop a life-long love of learning to engage with the curriculum. We want to inspire our children to develop skills needed to be active learners giving them opportunities to learn about the real world. We want our children to be historians, scientists, geographers, writers, readers, mathematicians etc. in preparation for the occupations and the life that they may lead in the future.

Throughout the schools, children will progress through a range of skills developing their knowledge of the world around them.

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage statutory guidance (2014) to ensure that children are offered the opportunities to be KS1 ready and the National Curriculum (2014), ensuring that our KS1 children are literate and numerate ready for KS2. We provide a structured curriculum that develops the skills and knowledge to enable children to develop into caring citizens ready for a full and purposeful life whilst offering them creativity, fun and meaningful experiences that make learning memorable.



  • Our curriculum is creative and imaginative and is designed to take account of children’s differing learning needs and styles, ensuring opportunities for children to develop their academic, moral, spiritual, physical, creative, artistic and social skills.
  • A major strength of our school is our commitment to maximise chances, experiences and opportunities with visits and visitors. Children remember more when they are provided with stimulating experiences and we always aim to educate beyond as well as in the classroom.  
  • Retrieval of previously learnt content is frequent and regular with spaced repetition to ensure that learning is most effective.
  • Subject specific learning is enhanced by making curriculum links where possible and giving opportunities to apply learning, knowledge and skills to real life situations.
  • Daily routines and lesson starters provide opportunities to remember and practise previously learnt content.
  • Curricular and extracurricular activities meet the differing interests of each child and help to promote inclusion and to inspire each child in a lively and exciting environment within a climate of high expectations and care.
  • We continuously strive to find ways to improve and develop. We strongly believe that we must deliver not only inspiring curriculum but one that is fit for today’s pupils and will also be fit for tomorrow.
  • We focus our efforts so that children feel safe, secure, healthy and successful. We want learning to be enjoyable and to encourage the children to look forward to the future by providing them with the best real-life experiences.



  • We develop the whole child both academically and socially.
  • Children are helped to become confident, enthusiastic learners engaging in exciting, collaborative, independent activities.
  • They develop a responsibility for making choices and decisions that stimulate their curiosity to explore and enjoy acquiring new skills and knowledge.
  • By knowing our pupils well, children of all abilities are helped to achieve to the very best of their potential in all aspects of the curriculum.
  • From a range of starting points we aim for children’s attainment to be good or better than age related expectations.
  • Children will make at least good progress.
  • Children will leave us with a love of learning ready to embark upon their next stage of learning.