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Music and Performance

Music and Performance play a big part of the life of children at Sampford Arundel Primary School.   Each year the children will take part in a large scale performance which includes singing skills and performing in front of an audience or in a recorded show.

From their very first term, children are singing and performing. 

Music is used for the development of vocabulary, rhyme and the enjoyment of words.

Characteristics of a Musician

  • Performing
  • Listening
  • Composing
  • The history of music
  • Inter-related dimensions of music: pulse, pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure, musical notation

Curriculum Documents

We aim to provide through high quality teaching and learning experiences every child with the key knowledge and transferrable skills they require to achieve in all subjects and develop a love of learning which will be with them for their whole life.  To support our Music curriculum we use Charranga which gives a progression of knowledge and skills and a long term plan which ensures coverage.

In Class 2 (Key Stage 2) our children benefit from support from the specialist teachers of Somerset Music.  This allows our children to spend a term with specialist tuition in a key instrument such as Violins, Ukele's or Brass Instruments.

In addition to this offer we benefit from an external Perpeteutic Guitar Teacher, Craig Snook, he can provide guitar lessons in school time for a small fee.