The whole team in Sampford Arundel Primary School are committed to providing a dynamic and exciting curriculum to our children. One of the key ways we do this is to use external visits to relevant locations to the current topic. Our children benefit greatly from this approach and we aim to provide an external trip per term.
We work hard to keep costs to parents down and are committed to achieving this with best value for highest quality.
Our team are constantly tracking broad opportunities for our children and are also open to suggestions from our community.
Previous whole school visits have included:
- The Eden Project - to enhance the children's learning of biodiversity and environmental issues.
- The Theatre Royal in Plymouth - to enhance the children's experience of theatre and live performance.
- Legoland - to enhance the children's understanding of engineering and programming.
In each of these visits the children have taken part in workshops - age appropriate - and where possible.
These trips were in addition to the Topic focused Class visits and the Annual Key Stage 2 Residential Trip.
We also access external visitors to school, again to enhance the learning taking place. Previous visitors have included Toby Stok and his Roman Legion, Kev Sutherland Cartoonist and Exmoor Birds of Prey.
The aim of this strategy is to engage the children and create memorable experiences to attach their subject knowledge to.